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Top 6 homely design trends for 2025

It may feel a little early to be thinking about 2025. However, the arrival of autumn and its warming, rich and golden hues is Mother Nature’s way of signalling the end of 2024 is nearing, and a New Year, full of possibilities, is just around the corner. Whether you’d like to begin exploring your self-building aspirations, or renovations are afoot for your current home, in this blog we share our top six design trends to support your plans:

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1. Biophilic design

What is biophilic design?

This concept refers to integrating the natural world in architecture, and as a result can improve physical and mental health, increase productivity, sharpen the senses, and foster our innate desire for connection.

Our clients love inviting the outdoors in by incorporating an oak framed extension into their existing or new home designs… Follow this link to step inside Julian and Phillipa’s oak orangery.

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2. Smart home automation

We foresee this trend becoming even more prevalent within 2025 home designs.

The inclusion of smart home automation, such as lighting and sound systems, is convenient, can improve security, and is also a fundamental future-proofing feature which Graham and Dawn specifically chose for their country-contemporary oak framed home in Herefordshire.

Lounge space above a garage

3. Multifunctional spaces

If you dream of having more room to enjoy at home, outbuildings offer many solutions.

From a remote office / additional bedroom, to a snug / hobby haven, your needs for your outbuilding will naturally vary from your neighbour’s, however, there’s one style of outbuilding that grows in popularity year on year thanks to its versatility – a room above garage.

We’ve crafted an exclusive range for you to use and feel inspired by, and we also provide a design service so you can tailor every aspect of your garage and room above to complement your family’s daily life.

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4. Sustainable designs

So, when it comes to home building in 2025, it’s integral that sustainable architecture is at the heart of every design.

Have you heard about our award-winning closed panel system?

Engineered to provide pioneering levels of insulation and airtightness while decreasing energy consumption, clients across the country are encasing their sustainable green oak frames with our WrightWall and WrightRoof Natural panel system to ensure their homes have been constructed with the future in mind.

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5. Colourful spaces

If you have an eye for all things bright and beautiful, you’ll be pleased to hear the creation of colourful spaces

is a key design trend, with reds and ‘colour drenching’ predicted by Homes & Gardens to take next year by storm.

Our advice is to harness your creative interior ideas, be bold, and make your home as individual and ‘you’ as possible!

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6. … vs. Aesthetic spaces

And in the same breath, minimalistic and warming, neutral tones remain an admired design choice for budding home builders and home renovators.

Philip and Sandra’s manor house on the Essex-Cambridgeshire border is a prime example of how oak’s charm and character coupled with well-considered aesthetic spaces, are a match made in heaven.

Here at Oakwrights, we’re constantly looking ahead to ensure our specialist services are the best, most efficient, and of the highest quality.

Whatever your wants and wishes for your home, extension or outbuilding, we will provide you with a bespoke design and building experience – get in touch to start your journey.

Contact us

Want to discuss plans for your own oak frame project, organise a visit to our workshops, book a stay in our show home or just gain some advice? Please get in touch.

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