How can you invite the five senses of spring into your home?

Hello Spring 2024!!
Hello Spring 2024!!
Now, although it appears the Great British weather is yet to catch up with how winter traditionally transitions into spring, we’re all familiar with the characteristics associated with this time of the year – such as how nature notifies us with intrinsic signs of its arrival, igniting our senses while evoking feelings of optimism, happiness and positivity.
And so, like you may too, here at Oakwrights we believe it would be a shame to leave these glimmers of springtime at our doorsteps…
That’s why for this blog we asked some of our clients how they personally love to tap into their senses and welcome this special season into their oak framed homes and extensions.
Sometimes simple spring décor ideas are the most impactful.
Creating and placing blooming bouquets filled with flowers from your garden within your home is a wonderful
way of enjoying springtime hues whatever the weather, while celebrating all the hard work you’ve invested into nurturing them!
Our clients also noted that oak’s versatility and its natural tones provide an evergreen blank canvas they can adapt their interiors around throughout the year.
Sound and Touch
Sound and Touch
From the dawn chorus of wild birds and the hum of bees busily working away, to the (all too familiar) pitter
patter sound of April showers falling outside, when we’re blessed with warmer temperatures, there’s nothing more refreshing than opening the windows to let the sounds of Nature in.
And with the windows open, there’s something quite special about feeling the warming rays of sunshine on your face, isn’t there?
What’s more, for those who work from and spend more time at home, this constant flow of springtime air is great for the mind, body and soul.
If you could bottle the essence of spring, what would it smell like? Would it remind you of freshly cut grass and suggest floral notes?
Investing in scented candles, such as this one aptly named ‘Spring’ from The While Company, was a resounding suggestion from our clients as a way to fully embrace this season and surround yourself with all of its unique qualities while at home.
As we explored in a recent blog, the smell of home-cooked meals is just one of the many fond day-to-day joys that epitomise the sense and feeling of being at home…
So, what does a typical springtime meal in your household taste like?
Perhaps grass fed lamb takes centre stage on your Easter Sunday table, do vibrant springtime vegetables such as asparagus adorn your supper plates, or maybe you enjoy baking with rhubarb and other seasonal fruits to create tasty homemade crumbles? Springtime certainly provides an abundance of deliciousness.
These are just a handful of the many ways you can welcome spring in.
If you’d love to step inside an oak framed home and take a closer look at how we have helped to craft our clients’ dream spaces, please visit our case studies webpage where you can immerse yourself in their home building stories.